Sunday, September 28, 2014

Figured it out!

I had to navigate the process of moving pictures around, but persistence won out!

So from the family picture session-

Jeff, the kids, and I:

My parent's grandkids:

Barbara and Nick's new home:

Ok..feel better that I figured that out!

September...Blogging took a hit

I will admit, I kind of get annoyed when I am used to reading someone's blog and suddenly they disappear. I start to wonder what the heck is making them neglect their faithful readership in such a heartless way.  Fortunately, I have no faithful readership, nor do I expect to attract one--but I now see how you can get so busy that the opportunities to blog are few and far between and when they do roll around the energy is not there.

September in review- 
Weekend 1- Family picture dramas to which I am blissfully ignorant ensue so the extended family picture is a bust.  Bright side- got a few lovely pictures of my kids and Jeff.

Weekend 2- Moved Barbara and Nick to their new house.  Lovely remodeled home built in 1894 with a view of the Mississippi River. So happy for them!   I'll have to get a picture up....can't believe I don't have one!

Weekend 3- Went to Des Moines to spend four days watching the 5 littlest nieces while the two  sets of parents went to NYC to celebrate their anniversaries. Had a great time, but that nostalgic view of having the little ones at home got a reality check. Fun, though.

Weekend 4- Bob and Julie came in on their way to celebrate their 25th anniversary by retracing their trip up the river.  Cooked an Italian dinner and loved spending that quiet time with them looking at the old family pictures.

And then there was getting that first month of school and tutoring going....yea, September was busy.