Saturday, February 7, 2015

Rough Weeks

Our Christmas season was tinged with sadness having just lost our darling Josie.  The reality sets in and I have found that so much of my daily life was intertwined with hers- hurrying home to see her waiting for me at the door, sharing food with her (I find that every morning I have part of my English muffin or bagel still on my plate), being careful not to let my restless leg syndrome clunk her during the night- I know these seem silly, but each time these things crop up it's a fresh pain.

I think being a bit run down and stressed out led to every opportunistic germ out there to find me in January.  TERRIBLE stomach virus (too hideous to describe) which caused me to miss two days of school and in my rush to return I left myself open for laryngitis and a horrible cold to keep me home another day--two Fridays in a row of misery. I am trying to throw myself into healthy habits- really eating actual food and trying to manage a full night of sleep. Plus- vitamin C drops.  Going to work in Germ Central can't be avoided but I Clorox wiped down desks and tables to give myself a fighting chance.

Today my beautiful Alissa celebrates her birthday in far off Chicago. I wish the weather wasn't so unpredictable and restrictive, but I am definitely heading her way in the spring. She was such a happy little baby- we had so much fun with her! I am so proud of her.

Finally got in to my hair stylist- way over due.  I'd post a picture, but my selfies tend to be disasters- but here's a glimpse of what I left behind: