Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Summer 2015

I'm so lame.  My ambition to post at least once a week (lame) has been scaled back to once a month (lamer) and is now more like once a season (lamest).

So my summer 2015 discoveries and activities:

One of my dearest friends lost her husband in June.  It still doesn't seem real.  I heard her refer to herself as a widow the other day. So weird.

I'm sure I'm behind the rest of the entire world, but at the urging of  Michael I got into "House of Cards"- binged watched the first 16 episodes during one of the many rainy days in June.  Had to back off a bit- found myself feeling anxious.  Really, really anxious.  Such a weirdo. Alissa introduced me to "Sherlock" this weekend.  I sense another binge heading my way.

Made my first craigslist purchase and I have to admit, very proud of myself. I've been looking for a buffet or sideboard for the dining room, but didn't have any luck. Stumbled onto to this and thrilled with the quality and value.  The addition set off a shift in most of the furniture- nothing says let's move heavy furniture like something new.

Still working out exactly the look I am going for on the sideboard- I'm thinking I'll be pretty seasonal.

Organizing and reorganizing. Rooms, closets, cabinets, drawers.  Why does this relax me so?

I'm enjoying my summer tutoring kids. I have a kindergartner, first grader, two second graders, one third, two fourth, two fifth, and a seventh grader.  I really enjoy working with all the different ages. I'm really feeling very confident with my decision not to retire this year.  I'm enjoying the time off, but I just don't know how I would do this through the winter.  

Enjoyed time with kid in Des Moines, kid in Chicago, and kid here. If I can manage to get all three in one place at one time.....nirvana.

We are awaiting the birth of a litter of puppies. Jeff stumbled onto a woman who breeds BTs and the time felt right to begin looking for a new puppy. We are now at the any minute now point.  We have dibs on a female- hopefully it won't be a litter of just males. I'm trying to rein in my excitement in case it doesn't happen. I'm trying.