Every summer during those waning days before returning to school I always seem to take on all sorts of projects- waaaay too many, waaaay to complicated, and waaaaaaay too time consuming. I've also decided that I am the poster girl/woman for Adult Attention Deficit Disorder. I will start one thing, drift off to another and often another- and then do this crazy random rotation until I get everything finished. The good side, I suppose, is that I do manage to get everything finished. Even now, starting a blog---why didn't I do this earlier in the summer? No clue.
So here are the kitchen cabinets that I have been alternatively glaring at and ignoring for the last several months. The light linen color definitely brighten the kitchen after we moved in to a kind of murky brown color, but they had become so dingy and discolored and generally blech I wanted something that kept the kitchen bright (one north facing window) but went along with my pseudo-Mediterranean themed kitchen. I spent several months vacillating between color ideas that would go with the fresco style walls (gold/umber/beige) and considered some shades of green very seriously. But fate lent a hand when Jeff over-bought paint for the woodwork (like four times what we actually needed) and the color "Irish Creme" started to grow on me. Side note- I am a sucker for paint names and have made huge mistakes because I've liked the name of the paint.
So- I am half way through...while Jeff volunteers at the Air Show, I labor in paint. I now hate the color, but know that is just one of the stages of paint--as there are stages of grief, there are stages of painting.
Progress to date:
Cabinets are not done- see that little hint of a darker color? That was as far as I'd gotten.
My supervisor arises from her lair to check out my progress.
This job also entails removing fixtures (yuck) and polishing them which has turned out pretty well. Before on top, after on bottom.
Cabinets on bottom are drying, now the gymnastics of doing the top.
Maybe I do this to take the sting out of the end of summer. Maybe I am foolishly trying to delude myself into thinking that going to school and starting a new school year will be restful. How nuts am I?