Tonight is my last non school day night. The kids don't start till next Monday, but tonight is the last night I can stay up however late I stay awake without the knowledge that I need to be up at out before 7 AM so that I am ready to greet my little darlings at 7:35 and keep that educational ball rolling all day. Then four days a week I have my tutoring students and I do love the relationships I have with those kids- watching those lights turn on as they catch on to new concepts and the relief they feel when they understand that they have learned the same things their classmates have learned- concepts or skills that were difficult is indescribable. But it adds up to some very long days. I do love teaching, but the freedom of just letting the day take me wherever it's going to go is pretty darn nice and although the weekends are great, it's not the same. Weekends involve a lot of catching up with smidgens of down time intersperse here and there.
So, year 37 here I come.

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